A Moment In Hell

Introduction 31 May 2023

Keep It Simple = Don't Let Them Enter

Give Them Something = If The Space Occupies & A Energy Field Forms & New Energy Is Born Within This Field

A Grave Mistake By Some Could Cause A Shattering In This Space & A New Mirroring But Different State Can Co-Exist

It's Not Always Beautiful - Keep Moving = Update To The Trees & Tales & Law In Private = It Will Kill You Before Your Born - Your To Small To Talk When Your Within That Small Ball

Some Choose - To Breach Together = ??????

Story Form

A Dark Room Of Pitch Black = Moving Shadows

Blue Balls Of Light Each Creating A Ripple Of Shadow Yet Hovering Above

A Unvierse In Each

From Darkness = Shodows Takes Form

The Light Blue Ball Like Planet Of Energy Has A Chain Reaction & A Wave Covers It

From This Reaction ONE After Becoming Aware Of It's Form Tries Creating

Shall WE Try This Way

A Flower Forms & Turns Into A Great Tree Of Blue Within This Tree A Awarness To Replicated What Came Before

While Thisss Creation Is Taking Form = A Wave Of Vibration

Shadow With A Face Watches In Amusement - Shall WE Watch It Change

On The Other Side = A Of The Orb A Containtment Field Containg Music Waves

The Tree Evergrowing Suddenly Stops & Enter Whack / Labryinthe / Back Into Still

& Thunder See The Shadow Seating On A Throne

A Reaction & Creation Of A New Energy & Dimension Taking The Form Of Roots

& A Split Of Matter / Mirroring Tear Drop = Water = Worm Hole = Back To Normal